IPVideoTalk Redeem Code Guide

  • Updated on March 8, 2024

This guide briefly describes the steps on how to redeem a discount code for IPVideoTalk users willing to purchase a new plan, or to renew the existing one.


IPVideoTalk users can redeem code by following below steps:

  1. Access IPVideoTalk Web Portal: https://account.ipvideotalk.com.
  2. Sign up IPVideoTalk account If you do not have an account.

Figure 1: IPVideoTalk Sign Up screen
  1. Then sign in with your account/email and password.
  2. Go to Plans page, click on the Redeem button on the top of the interface , and the user will be directed to the redeem page.
Figure 2: Redeem Code
  1. Enter a redeem code combines 12 digits and letters.
  2. Select to renew the existing plan or create a new one, as shown below:
    1. Select to renew the existing plan. The user can only select the expired plan, or the plan consistent with the redeem code.
    2. Or, create a new plan and assign it to the owner or other sub-users.
Figure 3: Buy new Plan


Redeem New Plan Rules:

The user can redeem the new plan directly or renew the expired plan to a new plan.

Renew Rules:

The plan in the redeem code must be the same as the plan to be renewed. For example:

  • Correct example: Redeem code contain (Pro + GVC room System package + 50 participants) Target renewal plan is Pro + GVC Room System Package + 50 participants
  • Incorrect example: Redeem code contain (Pro + GVC room System package + 50 participants) Target renewal plan is Pro + 100 participants

You can also upgrade your current plan to the same specification, then use the redeem code to renew it.

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