GDMS Channel Management – Guide

  • Updated on May 10, 2024

Grandstream SIP Devices can be configured via Web Interface as well as via Configuration File through provisioning…A new way has been added to monitor and mass configure the phones via GDMS platform to allow more flexibility for users and an intuitive interface to manage their Grandstream SIP devices.

This guide will serve on how to manage channels and track devices destined for ITSPs, agents and system integrators.


Users can manage devices through this function, including the following functions:

  1. Establish relationships with primary/secondary agents.
  2. Obtain devices from Grandstream ERP automatically without importing devices via MAC address and serial numbers manually.
  3. Assign devices to subordinate channels or agents.
  4. Help customers manage devices directly, including importing devices to customers’ account, and assigning SIP accounts/configuring parameters.
  5. Upgrade firmware for devices. Users can schedule tasks for upgrading devices purpose.

Typical Scenario Descriptions:


Description automatically generated
Typical Scenario Descriptions

Channel customers and service providers will need to contact Grandstream support to associate their GDMS account with an ERP account.


Superior Channel Binding Address

If a superior channel wants to assign devices to the user, the superior channel needs to add the user’s GDMS account as subordinate channel.

The user needs to copy and send the binding address to the superior channel.

  1. Click on the link at the top of the Channel page “View my associated company binding address”, as the figure shows below:
View My Binding Channel Address
  1. View my superior channel binding address, users could reset/copy the binding address.
Associating Address
  • Copy: Click to copy the link address to the clipboard
  • Reset Address: Generate another address. The previous link will be invalid.


When users click “Track Device” option on “Channel” page, the devices will be displayed on the page:

  1. Once the user places an order from Grandstream, the Grandstream ERP system will synchronize the devices in the order to the user’s GDMS account.
  2. Once the user places an order from the user’s superior channel, the superior channel can assign the devices the user in “Channel” module, and the assigned devices will be displayed on the user’s “Track Device” menu.

View Device

To view all devices assigned to the account, click on the Track Device tab.

Track Device


 The MAC address of the device.

MAC Address

The model of the device.


Where the device originated from. Currently there are two values:

  • ERP Order – The device’s data was synced from Grandstream ERP.

  • Main Channel – The device was added by the main channel.


The date/time the device was assigned to the account.

Imported Time

  • Allocated: The device has been assigned to a sub-channel and cannot be assigned to other sub-channels.

  • Unallocated: The device is not allocated to any sub-channel yet.


The date/time the device was assigned to a sub-channel. The company name of the sub-channel will also be displayed.

Assign to

The associated company that the devices is assigned to.

Users can search for specific devices by using the filter and search options in the top-right of the Channel Management page.

Users cannot directly upgrade the firmware or update the configuration file of the devices from this list. Please refer to Configure Device section.

Device Assignment Notification

When devices are assigned to an account, the icon will show a notification. Clicking on the notification will show the list of assigned devices.

Device Assignment

For the devices which have been sold to the associated company customer, the user could allocate the devices to them.

The associated company customer could log in the GDMS platform to view and manage the devices.

The user could allocate a single device or allocate a batch of devices:

Assign a Single Device:

  1. Click on the button for the desired device. The following window will appear:
Assign Single Device to Associate Company
  1. Select the associated company to assign the device to.

Assign Multiple Devices:

  1. Click on the Device Operation button at the top-right of the Channel Management page.
  2. Click on Assign to Subordinate Channel on Track Device page. The user will be redirected to the batch device assignment page.
Device Operation Options
  1. The user will be directed to the batch devices allocating page:
Assign Multiple Devices to Subordinate Channel

Associated Company

Select the associated company.

Target Device

  • Select Devices: The user can select the devices which will be assigned to a company from the list of the devices displayed on the page.

  • Enter MAC Address: Enter the MAC address of the devices which will be assigned to the company.

  1. Click the Save button to finalize changes and the assignment. The associated company will then be notified of the device assignment.

  1. The device which has been allocated to a customer cannot be allocated to any customer else.
  2. When the device is allocated, the user cannot acquire back the device. If the device is allocated to a customer incorrectly, the user could contact the subordinate channel customer to allocate the device back to the user.

Configure Device

To manage devices from the Channel Management device list, users must first import the devices to GDMS Device Management.

Import Single Device

  1. Click on the button for the desired device. The following window will appear:
Import to Manage Device
  1. Click on the “OK” button to finalize the import.

Reclaim Device

Reclaim Device allows the user to reclaim devices which are assigned to an associated company. This can be done to forcibly reclaim the device by the superior channel. Once a device has been reclaimed, it will no longer appear in the account of the user in the associated company.

To reclaim a device, please navigate to System > Reseller Channel, then click on “More”, then “Reclaim Device”.

Reclaim Device

Choose the device(s) to reclaim then click “Save”.

Return Device

The user can use return a device to return it to the superior channel once it’s no longer needed. Once the device is returned, it will be deleted from the list of the devices on the user’s account.

To return a device, please navigate to System > Reseller Channel, then click on “More”, then “Return Device”.

Return Device

Choose the device(s) to return then click “Save”.


The user of the GDMS can trigger the firmware upgrade of the devices under a channel at once by configuring an upgrade task. To configure an upgrade task, please navigate to System → Reseller Channel → Upgrade Task, click on “Add Upgrade Task”.

Upgrade Task
Add Upgrade Task

Task Name

Enter the name of the task.

Firmware Version

Select the device model, then select the firmware version to upgrade to.

Upgrade Method

Select the upgrade method.

  • Concurrent Upgrade: Specify the number of device to upgrade at once. The default vakue is 10 devices. This means that 10 devices will be upgrade at once. When the upgrading has finished. Another 10 devices will initiate the upgrade progress.

  • Sequential Upgrade: Choose this option to upgrade one device at a time. Once one devices has finished upgrading, the next device will start the upgrading process until it's done.

Current Firmware Range

Specify the current firmware range which will be upgraded from.

  • All Versions: When this option is chosen, all the devices will upgraded regardless of their firmware versions.

  • Specified Firmware Version: Specify the firmware version to upgrade. Only the devices with the specific firmware version will be upgraded.

  • Firmware Version Range: Specify a range of firmware versions. Only the devices with the firmware version that falls within the specified range will be upgraded.

Target Device(s)

Select the specific devices which will be upgraded.

  • All Devices of This Model: When this option is selected, all the devices of the model chosen will be upgraded.

  • Select Devices: Select the devices that will be upgraded from the list.

  • Enter MAC address: Enter the MAC addresses of the devices to upgrade. Use commas or line breaks as separators.

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