GWN App for Android - User Manual

  • Updated on March 15, 2024


Manage the network-based devices at any time from anywhere using an Android device with the GWN app. This free app links seamlessly with devices registered in GWN.Cloud or GWN Manager, and allows users to conveniently monitor and manage the network established by GWN devices. The GWN app extends web features to smartphones to allow you to manage the network and be productive while on the go: monitor network/device/client status in different periods, notify alert information once an alert event occurs, add the device to the network via phone camera scanning or manually fill in device MAC and its corresponding password, monitor device details including usage and other information, support debug tools for problem-tracking, configure your network as well as devices according to your needs, and much more. There is no purchase necessary to manage the network-based devices with the GWN app.


Getting GWN App

GWN app is compatible with most Android devices running Android 5.0 or higher, including mobile phones, tablets, etc.

The app is available on Google Play.

GWN App on the Google Play

Login to the GWN App

When you open the GWN app, you will be greeted by a screen that has two options, one for the GWN Cloud platform (GWN.Cloud), and one for the GWN on-premise management platform (GWN Manager). Please refer to the screenshot below.

GWN App Main Screen

To use the GWN app, users need to have an account previously created on a GWN Management Platform or be assigned a role/custom role by the GWN Management Administrator.

  • Refer to this link to sign up for GWN.Cloud:
  • Refer to these links to install GWN Manager and create an account after that:

GWN Manager – Quick Installation Guide

GWN Manager – Deploying a Virtual Machine from an OVA file

Login screen tools

Even before login, the user has some tools to use to either discover GWN devices on the same network or run a mobile speed test to evaluate the network performance and know how many GWN devices are discoverable on the network with very useful information like the GWN device IP/MAC addresses, device model, version number and type (master or slave). Please refer to the figures below:

Login screen tools – part 1
Login screen tools – part 2
Login screen tools – part 3
Login screen tools – part 4

For more details about Speed Test, please AP Details – Tools.

Once the GWN app is installed on your device, click on the app icon to start it, then click on GWN.Cloud or GWN Manager to log in.

  • GWN.Cloud: enter the Email/Login Name and Password of the account previously created.
  • GWN Manager: enter the server address (IP address), Email/Login Name, and password.
GWN App Home Screen
GWN App Login Page – GWN.Cloud
GWN App Login Page – GWN Manager

For GWN.Cloud, on the top right corner, users could specify which zone to use:

  1. Select the proper Zone World, EU, or China Region for your GWN.Cloud Account
GWN App Login Page


The About page shows the version of the app installed on your mobile phone and if an upgrade is available.

About page

The user can also click on “Supported Model” to see the supported models and the latest firmware version for each device.

GWN devices’ latest firmware versions


The Dashboard page provides general information that can be used to monitor both networking devices and clients connected to them.

GWN App Dashboard tab

Internet Health

Network Health Monitor is a feature that monitors the WAN (WAN ports or Device group) and displays the WAN status for the last 12 hours for each WAN with color code: Green (Normal), Red (Abnormal), and Grey (Offline).

On the Dashboard screen under Internet Health, a graphical representation of the network health is displayed for the last 12 hours. Please refer to the figure below:

Dashboard – Internet Health

Bandwidth Usage and Clients Count

From the Bandwidth usage and Clients count interface, users can monitor their bandwidth as well as the number of clients connected per time. The time range for monitoring can be set to 1 Day, 1 Week, or 1 Month.

Bandwidth Usage and Clients Count
  • Press the drop-down arrow on the top to choose your network
  • Available information:
  • Bandwidth Usage Upload/Download
  • Clients Count
  • Select to display information either in 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 3 months or 6 months.

Top Devices, Clients, SSIDs, Websites

The top Devices, Clients, SSIDs, and Websites interface as the name suggests displays the top Devices, Clients, SSIDs, and Websites based on the data/Bandwidth usage.

Top Devices, Clients, SSIDs, and Websites


The Devices tab displays the list of devices paired with the GWN platform for each Network/Model and allows users to add new GWN devices.

The following tables show the requirements of Grandstream networking products including GWN Access Points, GWN Routers, GWN Switches, and GWN App versions (Android and iOS) for GWN Management Platforms (GWN.Cloud & GWN Manager):

  • GWN Access Points: minimum and recommended version























AP minimum and recommended version

  • GWN Routers: minimum and recommended version












Router minimum and recommended version

  • GWN Switches: minimum and recommended version
























Switch minimum and recommended version

  • GWN App: minimum and recommended version








App minimum and recommended version

Adding New GWN Device

To add a device to GWN.Cloud, the administrator needs two pieces of information:

  • MAC address of the device.
  • Password printed on the device sticker.

GWN management platforms support adding more than one GWN router on the same network.

Adding a new device to your GWN.Cloud Account

There are 2 methods to add a GWN device to the cloud using the GWN App:

  • Method 1: Adding a new device manually
  • Method 2: Adding a new device by scanning the Barcode

Method 1: Adding a new device manually

  1. Locate the MAC address on the MAC tag of the unit, which is on the device, or the package.
  2. Locate the Password.
GWN device MAC address and Password
  1. From the Devices tab, click on the “Plus” button and select Manual Add, then enter device information:
Manual Add Devices to GWN.Cloud Account – Part 1

Once, the GWN device information is filled in, please click on the Done” button.

Manual Add Devices to GWN.Cloud Account – Part 2

The following table describes the required parameters to add a new device to GWN.Cloud using GWN App.

Section Description
Name Enter a name for the new device to identify it easily.
MAC Enter the MAC address of the new device.
Password Enter the device Password.
Device GroupSelect the device group from the list
Device RemarksEnter a device remarks
Adding a new device manually

Method 2: Adding a new device by scanning the Barcode

New devices can also be added to GWN.Cloud by Scanning the Barcode from the device sticker using a mobile phone camera.

  1. From the Devices tab click on the Plus” button and select Scan Add, then point the mobile phone camera to the device’s sticker.
Adding a new device by Scanning the Barcode
  • Once added, the list of devices will be displayed on the Devices tab as shown below:
New device added to GWN.Cloud using GWN Application

Adopt a new device to your GWN Manager Account

The GWN Manager will automatically scan and detect the available devices on your Network.

  1. From the “Devices” tab, click on the Plus” button.
Adopt a device to GWN Manager – part 1
  1. The available GWN devices on the same network will be listed here, select the GWN device then click on the “Add” button below.
Adopt a device to GWN Manager – Part 2

Then, a pop-up dialog will be displayed to confirm that the GWN device has been added to the GWN Manager successfully.

Adopted successfully

The adopted devices can be found under the “Devices” tab.

Adopted Devices

Search/Filter GWN Devices

Select a network from the list and all the devices assigned to it will be displayed then you can filter based on the models or GWN devices’ status (Online, Offline). To search the devices please click on the search icon on the right side. Refer to the figures below.

Search Devices
Type the device name or MAC address

For each device, the application displays the number of clients connected as well as the data usage. Users can search devices by name or MAC address.
Click on to sort GWN devices by the number of connected clients.

Sort devices

Device Details

Click on a device to view more details about it and monitor it in real time. The Device Details page contains 4 subsections

  • Usage
  • Info
  • Tools
  • Configuration

This page is dependent on the device, each GWN device (GWN APs, GWN Routers, and GWN Switches) may show different info or has extra tools or requires different configuration.


The usage tab displays a graph for Bandwidth usage and client count monitoring for the selected device.

Usage Tab


The info tab displays all the information related to the selected device including Model, Firmware Version, IP, MAC address, etc.

Device Details – Info Tab – part 1
Device Details – Info Tab – part 2


The GWN app provides different tools to monitor and troubleshoot issues related to the selected devices from the app, users can locate the devices, clear usage, run ping and traceroute tests and even run a speed test right from the app itself.


Speed Test feature is only supported on GWN Access Points except the model GWN7610 and GWN7602.

To run a speed test, please click on the Speed Test icon” as shown below:

Device details – Tools

The first speed test is testing download speed.

Speed Test – Download

Once, the download speed test is over, the second test is testing upload speed.

Speed Test – Upload

Finally, the user will be able the see the final result, including Download/Upload speed and also the Ping response time in ms (Millisecond). To run the speed test again, click on the “Test Again” button or to change the test server click on the “Specify Test Server” text.

Speed Test – Result
  • Locate a device

To locate the selected device, click on the “Locate” icon, the LED lights of the device will start blinking for 2 minutes, click on Close to end the location.


Locate a GWN device feature with LED lights is only supported on GWN Access points devices.

Locate Device
  • Ping

The ping tool is used to ping a remote device to test the connectivity. To ping another device from the GWN app, set the target to the IP address or domain of the remote device, then click on the Run button, the result will be displayed on a new page:

Ping results
  • Traceroute

Traceroute allows users to check the number of hops between the devices as well as all the gateways traversed to reach the destination.

Traceroute Test

For more details, please visit GWN Management Platforms – User Guide (Configure a device)


The Clients tab allows monitoring wired or wireless clients as well as Guests that are connected using Captive Portal. In addition, this tab allows searching for a specific client by its MAC or Hostname and sort clients by data usage. Please refer to the figure below:

Clients list and Search

Click on each client to view its bandwidth usage and info including the following: MAC address, IP, Client Status, SSID connected to, Channel, etc. Refer to the figures below:

Client Usage
Client Details

Block Client

To block a client, navigate to The Clients tab, then either select the client from the list or search the client either by the MAC Address or Hostname, tab on the client then on the Info tab scroll down to the bottom of the page then toggle ON Block. Please refer to the figure below:

Block a client


The Alerts page displays alerts about the network, the user can specify to display only certain types (System, Performance, Security, or Network) or the levels (Emergency, Warning, or Notice). To check the alerts that have been generated, please navigate to the Alerts tab page. Please refer to the figures below:

Alerts tab
Alerts – Levels
Alerts – Types

The alerts can be displayed either by type or level. However, that is not the only way to display them. The user can filter through the alert log using a date interval or search by MAC address or device name.

Alerts – date interval
Alerts – Search

For more options, please click on the “” three dots on the top right corner of the screen as shown in the figure below:

The user can mark all notifications as read, delete all, or delete the selected ones.

Alerts – more options

Alert Settings

On this page the user can select the alerts to be displayed, four categories or alerts are available (system, performance, security, and network) and each category has even more options. Please check the figures below:

  • System Alert includes GWN.Cloud/GWN Manager, GWN Routers, GWN Switches, and GWN Access points.
  • Performance Alert includes GWN.Cloud/GWN Manager, GWN Routers, GWN Switches, and GWN Access points.
  • Security Alert: GWN Access points (Rogue AP).
  • Network Alert includes GWN Routers, GWN Switches, GWN Access points, and Clients.
Alerts Settings – System
Alerts Settings – Performance
Alerts Settings – Network

Alert Notification

In this screen, Email addresses can be specified to receive notifications for the selected alerts, the notifications can be sent to the configured emails or pushed to the APP.

To enable APP push or email push, click on the respective icon as shown below:

Alert Notification screen
Alert Notification – Email


The Setting tab allows users to check or configure: Wi-Fi, LAN, Internet, VPN, Firewall and security, Profiles, and System.

To access the Settings tab, click on the icon “Settings” as shown below:

Settings Tab


In this section, the user can configure all the related Wireless settings including SSIDs, Radio Settings, and Mesh.

WiFi Settings

Wireless LAN

On this page, the user can Edit, Enable, Disable, or even Add another Wireless LAN (SSID). Click on the previously created Wireless LAN to edit or click on the “Plus” icon to add another Wireless LAN.

Wireless LAN list
Wireless LAN parameters

Please refer to the table below for the descriptions of the fields:



Enable wireless LAN


Specify the SSID name

Client IP Assignment

  • Bridge: IP addresses will be assigned without any translation.

  • NAT: IP addresses will be assigned and translated between networks.

Associated VLAN

The VLAN ID associated with the wireless LAN.

Enable Captive Portal

Enable or disable captive portal.

If it's enabled, select the captive portal policy.


Configure the wireless bands used for the transmissions.

  • 2.4Ghz

  • 5Ghz

  • Dual Band: Enable both 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz.

Access Security

Security Type

Configure the security type of your wireless network.

  • Open

  • Personal

  • Enterprise

  • PPSK with RADIUS

  • PPSK without RADIUS

  • Hotspot 2.0 OSEN

WPA Pre-Shared Key

Enter the WPA Pre-Shared key

WPA Mode

Select from the list:

  • WPA/WPA2

  • WPA2

  • WPA2/WPA3

  • WPA3

WPA Encryption Type

Select the WPA encryption type, 2 options are available:

  • AES



The 802.11w standard is used to prevent certain types of WLAN DoS attacks. 802.11w extends strong cryptographic protection and provides data integrity and replay protection for broadcast/multicast Robust management frames. Set this option to be either Disabled or Required.

Optional: both of the client supported and unsupported 802.11w may have the network access authority; Required: only the client supported 802.11w have the network access authority.

Access Control

MAC Filter

Enable filtering based on MAC address. Then select from blacklist or whitelist.

Client Isolation

Enable client isolation. If it's enabled, select from client isolation mode (Radio, Internet or Gateway).

Client Time Policy

Enable a client time policy.

Note: Please note that GWN mobile application currently does not support configuring a client time policy. In order to set this feature, please use the web navigator to access to GWN platform or you can select from the previously created ones.

Bandwidth Control

Enable bandwidth control.

  • Per SSID

  • Per Client

Note: Please note that GWN mobile application currently does not support configuring a bandwidth control policy. In order to set this feature, please use the web navigator to access to GWN platform.


Schedule when the SSID would be functional.

Note: Please note that GWN mobile application currently does not support configuring a schedule. In order to set this feature, please use the web navigator to access to GWN platform.

Device Management


Select the method of device selection either by devices or device group

Member Devices

The list of all the devices which are members of this specific SSID.


SSID Hidden

Enable or disable to hide the SSID.

DTIM Period

Set the DTIM period.

Wireless Client Limit

Set a limit for the number of clients which can connect to the wireless network.

Client Inactivity Timeout (seconds)

Configure the period of inactivity of a client before being disconnected from the wireless network

Client Bridge

Click to toggle ON or OFF client bridge feature

Multicast/Broadcast Suppression

Enable or disable multicast and broadcast.

  • Disabled

  • Enabled

  • Enabled with Proxy ARP enabled

Convert IP multicast to unicast

•  When set to “Disabled”: none of the multicast package will be converted;

•  Passive mode: AP will never initiatively broadcast IGMP queries, and the IGMP snooping item will be aged out 300 seconds after it is registered, which may result in the failure of forwarding multicast data.

•  Active mode: AP will initiatively broadcast IGMP queries to keep updating of the IGMP snooping items.

Enable Voice Enterprise

Check to enable/disable Voice Enterprise. The roaming time will be reduced once enable voice enterprise.

The 802.11k standard helps clients to speed up the search for nearby APs that are available as roaming targets by creating an optimized list of channels.

• When the signal strength of the current AP weakens, your device will scan for target APs from this list. When your client device roams from one AP to another on the same network, 802.11r uses a feature called Fast Basic Service Set Transition (FT) to authenticate more quickly. FT works with both pre-shared key (PSK) and 802.1X authentication methods.

802.11v allows client devices to exchange information about the network topology, including information about the RF environment, making each client network aware, and facilitating overall improvement of the wireless network.

Note: 11R is required for the enterprise audio feature, 11V and 11K are optional. This field is available only when “Security Mode” is set to “WPA/WPA2” or “WPA2”.

Enable 802.11r

Check to enable 802.11r. 

This field is available only when “Security Mode” is set to “WPA/WPA2” or “WPA2”.

Enable 802.11k

Check to enable 802.11k

Enable 802.11v

Enable or disable 802.11v

ARP Proxy

This option will enable GWN device to answer the ARP requests from its LAN for its connected Wi-Fi clients. This is mainly to reduce the airtime consumed by ARP Packets

Enable U-APSD

This option will allow the user to enable/disable the Unscheduled Automatic Power Save Delivery feature.

Wireless LAN

Global Radio Settings

On this page, users can edit the frequency band 2.4GHz or 5GHz that can be used by devices using Wireless LAN also general features can be configured here like Band Steering, Client Steering, Airtime Fairness, etc.

Global Radio Settings

For more details, please visit GWN Management Platforms – User Guide (Global Radio Settings)


In a Mesh Network, the wireless connection is established between multiple APs, which is used to pass through data traffic rather than client association. Each AP will evaluate the performance of the wireless channel based on several factors and choose one or multiple appropriate APs to set up the connection.


Enable Mesh

Enable or disable Mesh.

Scan Interval

The time period before a scan for new APs is triggered.

Wireless Cascade

The maximum number of wireless cascade which are allowed. 

For more details please visit GWN76xx – User Manual (Mesh)


On this tab, the user can add/edit VLANs or configure the global switch settings that affect all the added GWN switches.

LAN tab

Basic LAN Settings

This page shows all the created VLANs as well as the Default VLAN (Default LAN), click on the LAN created to edit it or click on the “Plus” icon at the bottom to create a new LAN (VLAN).

Basic LAN Settings
Add/Edit LAN

Global Switch Settings

Global Switch Settings allow the user to configure the general settings for all the GWN78XX switches which have been added to the account, instead of configuring the settings individually for each switch.

Global Switch Settings

Radius Authentication

Radius Profile

Select a Radius server or click Add New RADIUS

Voice VLAN

Voice VLAN

Toggle voice VLAN on/off.


IGMP Snooping VLAN

Select the IGMP Snooping VLAN.

MLD Snooping VLAN

Select the MLD Snooping VLAN.

Unknown Multicast Message

Configures how the switch (IGMP Snooping/MLD Snooping) handles packets from unknown groups.

DHCP Snooping Settings

DHCP Snooping

Toggle DHCP Snooping on/off


Guest VLAN

Configures whether to enable the guest VLAN function for the global port.


Jumbo Frame

Enter the size of the jumbo frame. Range: 1518-10000

Black Hole MAC Address

Select a Black Hole MAC Address from the list or click Add New MAC group

Global Switch Settings


Internet configurations like adding/configuring WAN ports or configuring Load-balancing/backup (Failover) between the WANs ports are found here, these configurations are located under the Settings tab → Internet.

Internet tab


In this section, the user can add WAN (router WAN port or a device group) or edit previously created WAN ports, and the number of WAN ports is determined by how many GWN routers are added/adopted to GWN.Cloud/GWN Manager accordingly.

To add/edit a WAN, please navigate to Settings tab → Internet → WAN.

WAN list
Add/Edit WAN

For more details please visit GWN Management Platforms – User Guide (WAN)

Internet Source

In this section of internet configuration, under internet source, the user can configure load balancing or backup (Failover) between the previously added WANs. Either click on the entry or “Configure icon” to edit previously added internet sources or click on the Add” button to add a new one, refer to the figure below:

Internet Source list
Add/Edit an Internet Source

For more details, please visit GWN Management Platforms – User Guide (Internet Source)


GWN Management supports many VPNs including PPTP, IPSec (support auto networking mode), OpenVPN®, and WireGuard®. On the GWN app, the user can configure:

  • PPTP: supports client and server.
  • IPSec (Site-to-Site): supports manual and auto mode.
  • OpenVPN®: supports client and server.

GWN Management supports more than one GWN router with single or multi-WAN on the same network, thus when configuring a VPN it’s important to specify which router (WAN/Device group) and interface will be used.

To add a new VPN or a VPN user, please navigate to the Settings tab → VPN, then click on the VPN type as shown in the figures below:

Settings tab
VPN screen
VPN – add VPN

For more details, please visit GWN Management Platforms – User Guide (VPN)

Firewall & Security

The Firewall & Security screen combines all the related configurations related to firewall and security, split into 4 sections (Port Forwarding, Wired Firewall Rules, Wireless Firewall Rules, and Rogue AP).

Navigate to Settings screen → Firewall & Security, then click on an entry to configure the corresponding option.

Settings screen
Firewall & Security screen

Port Forwarding

Port forwarding is redirecting the communication request from one address and port to another address and port. A source IP Address and port will be mapped to a Destination IP Address, port, and Group.

Port Forwarding screen
Add Port Forwarding

Wired Firewall Rules

From this screen, the administrator can Accept, Reject, or Drop wired traffic using inbound rules or forwarding rules,

  • Accept: To allow the traffic to go through.
  • Deny: A reply will be sent to the remote side stating that the packet is rejected.
  • Drop: The packet will be dropped without any notice to the remote side.

Wired firewall rules apply only to Routers.

Wired Firewall Rules screen
Add Wired Firewall Rule
Wired Firewall Rule – Policy

Wireless Firewall Rules

This screen does allow users to control the outgoing and incoming traffic from clients connected to the adopted/paired GWN devices by manually setting up policies to either deny or permit the traffic for wireless traffic based on protocol type and by specifying SSIDs and destinations.


Wireless firewall rules apply only to AP.

Wireless Firewall Rules screen
Add Wireless Firewall Rule
Wireless Firewall Rule – Policy

Rogue AP

GWN Cloud and GWN Manager offer the ability to prevent malicious intrusion to the network and increase the wireless security access of clients when introducing the Rogue AP detection feature to the adopted/paired GWN devices. The detected devices will be listed with all the details under “Alerts” page for further intervention.

Rogue AP

For more details, please visit GWN Management Platforms – User Guide (Firewall & Security)


The profiles screen contains some common configurations for GWN devices like Port Profile, MAC Groups, Bandwidth rules, PPSK and Certificate.

Navigate to Settings screen → Profiles, then click on an entry to configure the corresponding option.

Settings screen
Profiles screen

Port Profiles

Port profiles is a convenient way to provision a GWN device (ex: GWN switches or a GWN router) interfaces easily. Name a profile then select the relevant configurations, like VLAN, Rate, Speed limit, LLDP, etc. Also for security we can enable Storm control, Port Isolation, Port Security and 802.1X Authentication.


A VLAN is also considered as a port profile.

Port Profile screen
Add Port Profile

Feature comparison table for router and switch is available at About → Device Comparison either on GWN.Cloud or GWN Manager.

MAC Groups

The user can create a group of MAC addresses that can be used for example on GWN switches with the feature of Black Hole MAC Address under Settings screen → LAN → Global Switch Settings to block these addresses.

MAC Groups screen
Add MAC Group

Bandwidth Rules

Bandwidth rules feature can be used with a wireless LAN (Wi-Fi or SSID) to limit bandwidth per client or SSID under Settings screen → Wi-Fi → Wireless LAN.

Bandwidth Rules screen
Add Bandwidth Rule

Private Pre-Shared Key (PPSK)

PPSK (Private Pre-Shared Key) is a way of creating Wi-Fi passwords per group of clients instead of using one single password for all clients. Then this PPSK group can be used with a wireless LAN (Wi-Fi or SSID) to grant access to clients under Settings screen → Wi-Fi → Wireless LAN.

  1. Click on “+” button to create a PPSK Group.
  2. Click on “+” button to create a PPSK.
  3. Select Manual or Auto (specify the number of PPSKs, name prefix, password … etc).

Please refer to the figures below:

PPSK screen
Add PPSK Group


In this section, the user can create CA, Client and Server certificates that can be used with OpenVPN either for client or server side.

Click on “Add CA Certificate” or the Add Certificate” button under CA Certificate or Certificate tab.

Certificates screen
Add Certificate

For more details, please visit GWN Management Platforms – User Guide (Profiles)


On the system screen, as shown below, the user can configure Country/Region, time, LED … under General, also URL Access log, Guest Information, NAT and SNMP.

Navigate to Settings screen → System.

Settings screen
System screen


In this section, General configuration can be set like time zone, Device password … etc. Please refer to the figure and table below:

System – General


Select the country or region from the drop-down list. This can affect the number of channels depending on the country standards.


Configure time zone for GWN APs. Please reboot the device to take effect.

Auto Sync Time

If enabled, all managed devices' system times will be synced with GWN Cloud

AP Login Password

Sets the APs login password with up to 8 characters. Alphanumeric characters and special characters - _ | are supported

Device  Password

Set the devices SSH remote login password other than APs (Routers and Switches), which is also the device web login password.


Select whether to always turn ON or OFF the LEDs on the APs or apply a schedule for this function.

Reboot Schedule

Once scheduled, the current network will not work for a while during the scheduled period.

Enable Client Connection Event

When enabled, then Client connects/disconnects events are listed under Devices → GWN device →  Info page.

Presence API

Onced enabled, will detect and collect wireless device info. near the AP, which can be used for device positioning, pedestrian flow monitoring and so on.

Automatically add to SSIDs

GWN devices will be added to SSID automatically

System – General

URL Access Log

Administrators can easily configure the platform to record, monitor, and maintain a log of all the websites visited by the clients connected to the paired GWN devices.

The platform System will send these logs via Email to the configured Log Receiver in a form of downloadable link providing a CSV file format containing all the websites logs visited for each client during the defined period (daily, weekly or monthly basis).

To enable this feature, follow below steps:

  1. Go under “Settings screen → System → URL Access Log section” and enable URL Access Log field, this will configure the GWN management platform (GWN.Cloud or GWN Manager) to start recording the website logs visited by the clients.
  2. The option “Group Metric by Main Domain” can be also enabled then the user can configures the top domains to be merged. This will merge the page views for the configured domains. The regular top domains will automatically merge without any configuration (such as. com).
  3. Enable Export URL Access Log.
  4. Administrators can choose to set the Email Frequency to be generated either on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.
  5. Configure the URL Log Receiver Email.
System – URL Access Log

Guest Information

If enabled, the server will periodically send out the guest’s log download link based on the configured email settings. In order to enable this feature, follow below steps:

  1. Go under “Settings screen → System → Guest Information section“ and enable Guest Information field.
  2. Choose to set the Email Frequency to be generated either on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.
  3. Configure the Email Receiver.
System – Guest Information

NAT Pool

Users can use this feature to set an address Pool from which the clients that are connected to the adopted/paired devices will acquire their IP address in that way GWN devices will act as a lightweight router.


This option cannot be enabled when Client Assignment IP is set to Bridge mode.

System – NAT Pool


This section lists the SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, and SNMPv3 options available to integrate the adopted/paired GWN devices with enterprise monitoring systems.

Users can enable the SNMP feature under the Settings screen → System → SNMP.

System – SNMP

For more details, please visit GWN Management Platforms – User Guide (System)


Please visit our Website: to receive the most up-to-date updates on firmware releases, additional features, FAQs, documentation, and news on new products.

We encourage you to browse our product-related documentation, FAQs, and User and Developer Forum for answers to your general questions. If you have purchased our products through a Grandstream Certified Partner or Reseller, please contact them directly for immediate support.

Our technical support staff is trained and ready to answer all your questions. Contact a technical support member or submit a trouble ticket online to receive in-depth support.

Thank you again for using the Grandstream GWN Cloud application, it will be sure to bring convenience to both your business and personal life.


This section documents significant changes from previous versions. Only major new features or major document updates are listed here. Minor updates for corrections or editing are not documented here.

GWN Application Version

GWN Application Version

  • Added GWN Device Discovery and Speed Test Tools [Tools]
  • Added PPTP, IPSec(support auto networking mode), OpenVPN® [VPN]
  • Added Guest under Clients [Clients]
  • Added 12-hours WAN ports health monitoring [Internet Health]
  • Added Cloud DDNS service to generate domain for managed WAN [WAN]
  • Added VLAN interface configuration under router configuration [Devices]
  • Added new alerts, and improved the layout [Alert]
  • Added VLAN ID info under Client page [Client]
  • Support multiple routers on one network [Devices]
  • Support Device Password under System page [System]

GWN Application Version

  • Support GWN Router (GWN7052 & GWN7062) unified management
  • Support GWN Switch
  • New UI design
  • Redesigned dashboard
  • New alerts design and support more alert events
  • Optimized clients display, integrate the old known clients function into clients page
  • Optimized SSID security type

GWN Application Version

  • Added support for “Local Server”.

GWN Application Version

  • This is the initial version of the GWN Cloud Application for Android.

Android is a trademark of Google LLC.

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